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Jump To: Image (42)  |  Audio (1)  |  Document (4)  |  Text (15)  |  Other (4)

Images (42)

Audio & Music (1)
hlpgen.wav Waveform Audio File Format 13s 76KB 1996-09-05

Document (4)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
demo.hlp Windows Help File 18 17KB 1996-09-05
hlpgen.hlp Windows Help File 114 84KB 1996-09-05
hlpgen.wri Windows Write Document 69 250KB 1996-09-05
whatsnew.wri Windows Write Document 3 8KB 1996-09-05

Text (15)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
demo.hpj Text File 78 3KB 1996-09-05
demo.mac Text File 345 14KB 1996-09-05
file_id.diz Text File 11 446b 1996-09-05
helpgen.mmf Text File 104 4KB 1996-09-05
hlpgen.hpj Text File 83 3KB 1996-09-05
hlpgen.mac Text File 684 26KB 1996-09-05
hlpgena.mac Text File 721 22KB 1996-09-05
hlpgenb.mac Text File 699 21KB 1996-09-05
html.mmf Text File 63 1KB 1996-09-05
htmldemo.mac Text File 39 2KB 1996-09-05
order.frm Text File 79 2KB 1996-09-05
read_me.1st Text File 18 515b 1996-09-05
setup.cfg Text File 106 4KB 1996-09-05
vendinfo.diz VENDINFO 357 18KB 1996-09-05
vendor.doc Text File 4 216b 1996-09-05

Other Files (4)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
bwcc.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 116 165KB 1996-09-05
hlpgen.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 16 111KB 1996-09-05
setup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 118KB 1996-09-05
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
hc31.pif Microsoft Windows Program Information File 995b 1996-09-05